Game 02: August 24, 2004: "This Is Going To Be The Title..."

Lewis Cantrip Gnome Male Warlock, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard, Druid, Artificer Alive
Kenneth Jhenra Dragonborn male ????? alive
Steven LaYanan Botin Custom Linage Female Cleric, Sorderer, Warlock alive
Johnny Asher the Extraordinary Half-Elf Male Bard alive
Randal Sir Kell Darkblade Human Male Paladin alive
Ted Six Human Male ????? alive


This is the text for the main part


This is the text for the main part


The last game ended with us taking a short rest while Kell took the actress back. It is mid afternoon when we all regroup. We are in the room where Kell double sliced the big bad and we suffered a cone of cold.

We found a silver braclet in the room with the pool of water.

Day Afternoon

I enter the room ad see that there are several bone alcoves of different families. There are 4 cots in the room. At the far end of the room one of the alcoves there is a secret door. The door unlatches but we do not open it.

11 sets if cultists robes and sandles

Johnny checks for traps on the alcove door and no traps. We all go through the secret alcove door. There is a short 10 foot hallway with a catch on the other wall. Ted does not sense anything and we open the door. When we open the door we see a large room that has been furnished to look like a human bedroom. There is a human gaunt man sitting at a desk writing. There is a hunched spiked figure standing over the human writing.

When Randal enters the room the human turns and starts to cast at him. We are all forced to make a CON save which I make. A black ring of energy gets Kell as it comes outward and comes from where Johnny is standing. Ted is able to confirm that there are NO undead within 30 feel of him as he can not sense them.

Necrotic damage for Ted, Kenneth, and Johnny and the rest of us take only half.

I; move up and cast Eldridge blast for two hits then move out of the room

Oldman; casts Eldridge blast and sends three bolts. Only one hits for serious damage. He speaks in a language we don�t know and ted starts to sense undead. We see some black crackles and 5 zombies appear.

Zombie; attack Randal but miss

Kenneth; Uses his cloak of the Monterblack and poofs down the hall. Spends a Ki point to dodge

Steven; Holds until after 6 goes

dir=LTR> Oneeye ; looks at kenneth but he shakes off the spell

Kell; moves into the room and provokes an AOO from one zombie. He attacks like a Paladin and get advantage for one minute for some serious damage

Ted; strikes at the nearest undead for the complete kill but provokes an AOO that misses. He casts Curse Ward

Steven; moves and casts turn undead and killed three of them

Johnny; He causes the lanter to explode with Pyrotechnics or be blinded

I; I shift into Salazar and move 20 feet then cast Sacred Flame but I get my sleeve in the sleeve and take 4 points of damage.

Oldman; casts some type of portal and steps through. He provokes an AOO from Kell who hits with a critical for serious damage.

Zombie; he is blinded and just swinging with disadvantage.

Kenneth; he moves and attaches the eye familiar for minor damage

Oneeyed; attacked kenneth with claws for minor damage and moves to the wall and provokes an AOO but escapes

Kell; Attacks for two hits and massive damage and the serious kill

Ted; killed the final zombie

We take time to look at the notes on the desk and they descrot3 a ritual that is used to drain and sdcrive a persons secrets to vecna. The first attempt was on a disoyal cultist as an example. The results were well for Rayna and she still shuffles through the dungeon. There are some other notes about future attemsts he wil try the spell on people of Neveerwinter. We learn that the man�s name is Jerot, the thought of Vecna.

These notes do not match the handwriting from the oher notes.

Johnny searches the bed but he only finds a nicer set of robes and a set of silk sheets

We realize that the creature is a Nothinc creature.

After we search the room and take a time to do a little healing we decide to go through the door at the far end of the room.

Johnny searches the door and does not find any traps when he opens. The doors opens into a 5 ft halls to the left 25 feet there is door and we can see that the hall turns to the right about 10 feet down. To the right the hall goes 60 feet and there there is most likely a door

We decide to take the turn to the left and stop at the branch but randal can not see anything in the room. We go down to the end of the hallway to the door at 25 feet.

Randal opened the door at the end of the hall. We look into an extremely large room full of cultitsta and the old lman from before. There are 10 foot raised areas at each end. There are 6 cultists on the east raised area. The cultists are reciting a chant. There is a female cultist that is leading them on the west side. In the center of the room there is a cage with an elf male hanging from the ceiling.

Randal closes the door and tells us to buff up. Ted casts warding, Kenneth activates tattoos, Cantrip/Topaz casts Bless on the entire party, Steven casts cure wounds on Randal, Johnny casts Counter Charm giving us advantage against being frightened or charmed.

Kenneth; holds until Kell

I; shift into Gulpin, pick up a rock but Johnny tells me to hold so I wait until after Johnny

Randal; cracks open the door and casts misty step into the room. Randal can see that the Nothics are moving toward the door. He attacks the old man (AC15) for two hits but there is a shimmer and cuts him in half anyway.

Kenneth; he moves into the room and uses a ki point for 2 attacks and 1 shove.

Johnny; casts Hypnotic Pattern to charm and incapacitated for one minute which causes them to stop chanting. When he incapacitates the cultists there is a loud pop and a sense of tearing energy and we are in a black space and we are no longer in this dungeon. Whild we are falling we all have a simile iaion we perceive numerous cuts of vecna and witnes similar rituals. Vecna gathers the glowing threads of knowledge. We all have a Link to Vecna blessing that gives us: As we acquired secrets throuh out the campaign (when we rescued sarcel and she told us her vision of seeing the image of vecna) we can reveal a secret to get advantage on d20 rolls for one minute then it goes away

After the vision we find that we are in a 10 foot pit along one wall and are all in our own coffins. As we start to wake up we hear some chittering and slobbering from above.

I; casts bless on the other characters

Ted; hears a muffled cry from above

Randal; casts Protection on himself

Johnny; looks up above and hears that someone is trapped inside the coffin. He flies up above the rim of the pit and shouts to us that ghouls are coming

Steven; casts Aura of light

I; I stand up and move away from the ghouls and hold my action until i see an enemy

Randal; moves to the coffin and prys the lid open. It is the elf that was in the hanging cage

Ted; stands up and moves up the muddy wall to look for the ghouls. He sees taht they are right at the edge of the pit

Steven; he uses Misty Step and then stands up and turns the undead and destroys two of them

Johnny; casts Fireball and manages to destroys 5 of them. He drops close to Kell and gives him Bardic Inspiration

Zombies; attacks Ted for moderate damage but makes his CON save.

Kenneth; attacks and hits both of them

Elf; hops out of the coffin and runs to the other side of the pit.

I; move to the top of the pit and cast Ice Knife at the farthest ghoul for minor damage and the explosion does notthing. I toss the elf a short sword and tell him to get ready.

Randal; he gets out of the pit and manages to get his sword stuck but deals massive damage

Ted; attacks guy behind him for the hit and kill

Steven; casts shelilegii and cast green flame blade but misses

Johnny; Hovers down and casts thunderwave and they all fail. He manages to kill one of them

Zombie; they move us and flank kenneth and hits only once. He fails the CON save

Zombie; attacks Ted and hits for minor slashing damage and makes his CON save

Kenneth; Flurry of blows and manages to trip then attack at prone for two hits and the kill

Elf; he casts Spiritual Weapon and attacks the nearest zombie but misses

I; I cast Chromatic Orb (cold) and manage to shatter the zombie

Randal; he manages to get his sword unstuck and then destroys the zombie

Ted; he fires with a crossbow and hits for minor damage

Steven; attacks with sheleligh and uses Green Flame Blade for the hit and the kill

Where we are mirrors the neverdeath graveyard. It is raining and dark. This is maybe an alternate prime material place. The sky is glowing red like there was a fire burning somewhere close by. This is more like a twisted mockery of what Neverwinter is. Something like the upside down world.

We all manage to climb out of the pit and we take time to clean ourselves with prestidigitation.

The elf is Elden Keyward and he is the scholar that we are supposed to be looking for. He is a scholar of the outer planes. Neverwinter has cracked into the Shadowfell in the crevices of dust. We are near the evil alternate to neverwinter called Evernight. We arrived in Evernights graveyard and the crack is already closed. We need to find a stable crack to get back to neverwinter. He tells us that there might be a market nearby in Neverwinter so there may be one here. Elden tells us that most of the creatures are undead. He tells us that he does not have a secret that he knows about.

We manage to find a mausoleum that we can camp in for the night. We manage to get in and find one that is not occupied and we can lock the door. The caskets that we find have been empty for a while and will most likely not be coming back.

Steven casts Spectral Guardian to block the door on the inside. We take a long rest.



"I Am Using An Open Handed Technique On The One-Eyed Monster" Kennethism