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Lewis Daisy "BOOMSTICK" Lunastride Fairy Female Fighter 4 ACTIVE
Kenneth Sparklefarts
Warforged ????? ????? ACTIVE
Steven Es-Kin Goliath Male ????? ACTIVE
Johnny Phil-Raen
Kael-Koth (alias)
Drow Male ????? ACTIVE
Randall Aggamel Dwarf Male ????? ACTIVE
Ted Kravnav The Magnificent Blade Goblin Male ????? ACTIVE


I got lost while trying to get to Waterdeep and missed the Witchlight Carnaval by a week. The people that I was walking with never came back like they said they would. They were mean to me and said mean things because I lost our gold bag. I don’t know where they went and no one can tell me. I am hungry and need a place to stay for the night but I only have 8 gp and no job. I need to work. I found a bright and loud place called “The Mighty Manticore” that has a big job board. They did not have apple juice.


While I was reading the job board some very bad red wizards stopped hiding in the bar and started to hurt people. I hit the one that made me stop reading the job board and I had to chase him through the bar. The other people moved out of the way and I hit the wizard again harder than the first time. There are other red wizards that are hurting other people. There was also a giant, a kobold, a dwarf, and a black elf with pretty white hair fighting the red wizards. The giant caught the red wizard that got away from me and brought him back into the bar and we gave him to the guards. I stayed after the fight to help the bar people clean up and they let me pay a few silver pieces to sleep in one of their back rooms.

The other people that helped fight the red wizards came back the next day like they said they would and they wanted me to be part of their group. I have new friends that want to travel with me. We went to a big house and met a man that wanted us to go find what happened to his people. Next we went to a business that sells barrels and agreed to look for her missing people and barrels. We agreed to meet at the Mighty Manticore the next day and leave for our adventure. I was not sure that they would be there but it would have been OK because they were so nice to me the day before and the kobold was funny. I didn’t even mind sleeping in a stable because I might be going on an adventure in the morning. I was happy when I saw them. We left and walked the whole day and got to stay in a nice place and did not have to pay.

The next day we went walking and talked to an old farmer. The group talked about this farmer and something that he saw, or maybe something that he thinks he saw. It was about the missing people and the barrels. There are also other people missing. I think that all the missing people are missing for the same reason and my friends think the same thing. After talking to the farmer we talked to another farmer then headed west to look at a cave called the cave of death.


Day 1: Early Evening We have been traveling awhile and we are in a tavern called “The Mighty Manticore”. It is a common man tavern with dock workers and other tradespeople. Steven (Es-Kin) is having a conversation with a person that he is there to meet named Goren. During their conversation the man starts coughing up blood. A bar matron whispered, “Zaz Tam sends his regards” into Gorens ear as he is choking. There are several other patrons in the room that shift and are wearing red robes. The bar matron shifts and she is wearing robes. I recognise the red wizards and move to hit the one near me at 15 foot distance. 1 Randal (Agamel); holds his action Ted (Kravnav); he waits to see what the other do Randal (Agamel); now attacks red3 and sets on fire for kill Johnny (Phil-Rain); holds his action pending an attack Red1; disappeared into the crowd, that was the one i hit Red2; casts three magical darts at Randal (Agamel) and all hit for minor damage Johnny (Phil-Rain); fired arrow at red2 and kills it Steven (Es-Kin); moves and picks up his maul and moves toward red5 and attacks knocking her prone 2 Randal (Agamel); casts and deals damage Ted (Kravnav); attacks with advantage for sneak attack and serious damage and the kill and tries to pull out the coin purse. I; run at the one that i attacked earlier and hit with minor damage Steven (Es-Kin); attacks with arrow Red1; touches a ring and is invisible After the red1 disappears the front doors open and something moves people at the door. When the invisible red1 attacks a patron they become visible Steven (Es-Kin); casts Guiding Bolt at the person on the door and hits a bystander. 3 Randal (Agamel); runs outside and sees the red1 running and only 5 ft in front and magic missile for serious damage and the kill Steven (Es-Kin); runs up and puts his foot on the back of the red1 Ted (Kravnav); he searches the burned red but does not find anything I; fly out of the tavern and see the red1 when i get outside Johnny (Phil-Rain); he searches the bodies and does not find anything useful Steven (Es-Kin) picks up the wizard and takes it back to the tavern. I make it a point to introduce myself and let Steven (Es-Kin) know that I hit this one twice. The bystander that Steven (Es-Kin) hit is excited that he was in a battle and injured by red wizards. It only takes a few minutes for the militia to get there. Steven (Es-Kin) casts healing word on the bystander that he injured. We are talking to the guard and telling him about the fight. Ted (Kravnav) walks over to Johnny (Phil-Rain) and asks, “how much is it worth to you not to tell them that you did this?” He offers to settle this with one sandwich with cheese. Johnny (Phil-Rain) threatens the same thing. Ted (Kravnav) searches Goren (the elf Steven (Es-Kin) was meeting) and only finds some gold. Silver Harpers pin on his shirt but he leaves the pin Johnny (Phil-Rain) searches one of the bodies and finds the following: Small coin pouch 3 sp, 1gp, 1 token with three interlocking circles Note: Johnny (Phil-Rain) keeps the token and the note secret Daisy helps Steven (Es-Kin) and the guards drag the other red wizards into the middle of the room for the guards. Steven (Es-Kin) speaks with the guards and tells the take of our battle and his meeting. He even mentions the name Zaz Tam and his message to Goren. Steven (Es-Kin) glosses over the part where he heals Goren and prolongs his suffering. Johnny (Phil-Rain) gives a fake name (Kael-Koth) to the guard and then searches the bodies. Steven (Es-Kin) searches the body of red1 and discovers the following Silver ring He takes the ring to his temple to be identified Johnny (Phil-Rain) is following Steven (Es-Kin) to the temple. When Steven (Es-Kin) gets to the temple he acknowledges that he can see Johnny (Phil-Rain). Johnny (Phil-Rain) tries to trade the note he stole for the silver ring that Steven (Es-Kin) recovered. Johnny (Phil-Rain) trades information for Steven (Es-Kin)’s Tyr protection. Johnny (Phil-Rain) hands over the note and then hits the streets and tries to pick pockets. Steven (Es-Kin) reads the letter and takes it to his Tyr temple for research. He does NOT share the contents of the letter with the rest of his party…FUCKING SHOCKING. He is not familiar with the names but is familiar with the north of waterdeep. Before he goes back to the temple he makes a copy of the letter. After a few hours Johnny (Phil-Rain) and Steven (Es-Kin) come back into the tavern. Ted (Kravnav) is still there sitting at the table. Randal (Agamel) comes over to the notice board. I go back to the board and see that there are a few things. One notice is from a mercenary company called “The Grey Knives” and they are looking for a group of adventurers to check into a large contingent of Grey Knives that did not return from the north. The letter is signed by Brennon Veteran Grayknife. All of us, other than Kenneth's missing character, gather in the Mighty Manticore tavern around a table and talk about possible jobs. Steven (Es-Kin) may have a job for the temple. We decide to table the decision until tomorrow and see if there is any more information about the Red Wizards and if something better comes along we can gather together. I take the next day to walk the town and investigate the Witchlight Carnaval and discover that it was here about a month ago. No one I talk to knows where it went or when it will return. Ted (Kravnav) takes time to search the two pouches that he stole from the bodies. There is gold and gems but he does not share with the party. Day 2: Morning We all gather in the tavern the next day but nothing from Steven (Es-Kin) and the Tyr temple and nothing from the guards. Steven (Es-Kin) has a letter that may lead to some activity but he does not want to talk about it to us. So we are not doing the note. We leave the tavern and head to the headquarters of the Grey Knives. There is a two story house but it is not a business it is a house so you can’t just open the door. Middle age gentleman opens the door and Ted (Kravnav) tells him that we are here for the job. We indicate that we bring a distinct set of skills. We are invited inside the house. They do not have apple juice at first, only ale. Brennan told us the reason for the notice is that they sent out a large number of people from their company to track down what happened to their men serving as guards for the merchant as well as the merchants and cargo. The merchants' caravans were being attacked and some people were missing in villages. The contingent of merchants and guards had 15 people and were never heard from again. Some of the guards were veterans and some new. They were heading north about a day ride to kyptgarden forest to an underground complex. They believe that this was the cause of the trouble. Our task is to go to the cave, locate the men, find out what happened, then return with information, and any cargo if possible. The Grey Knives initial mission was to find the merchant's caravan and then investigate the missing villagers. We investigate missing Gray Knives and earn 25 gp each Brennan will not give us badges but he will give us letters. Daisy feels that they are making fun of her so she explains that she does not just want a shiny badge, she wants to be able to prove that we are working with the gray knives. Investigate the missing merchants, Three Barrels Coaster, Investigate the missing villagers, Westbridge is the village on the route north. We head to the three barrels company to get information about their mission and their cargo. It takes about an hour. We find the warehouse and we speak with a human female with long blonde hair and her name is Leosa. She confirmed that she contracted with the Gray Knives to locate her merchants. We negotiate with Leosa and tell that we are going to investigate the missing Gray Knives and if there is a reward for locating her merchants and merchandise. The caravan was supposed to stop in westgarden but never made it. The village of Kryptgarden is a few days away on the route the Neverwinter. Ted (Kravnav) is able to get the itinerary for the trip, the manifest, and the people on the job. Leosa tells us that she will pay the remainder of the contract (200 gp) if we recover the cargo and discover what happened. We need to come back with 70 %. There were two wagons with 15 casts in each for 30 total. This normally runs about every 6 months. Day 3: Morning We meet at The Mighty Manticore the next morning and head north. We make it safely out of waterdeep and walk most of the day. We are about to follow the caravan route and stop at the first Hamlet stop. Day 4: Late Afternoon We make it to Westbridge at sundown. We take a look at where the The Barrels caravan would have parked. We discover that they would have stayed at The Blushing Brides Inn. Randal (Agamel) speaks to Jerra, who is the owner of the Blushing Bride, and she tells us that the three barrels caravan has not been through here in months and never arrived for their last delivery. They were supposed to be here a few days ago. Ted (Kravnav) was able to forge a letter saying that the merchant company, The Three Barrels, was going to pay for our rooms. We learn that the Grey Knives came through looking for the caravan. Jerra tells us that one of the outlying farms had people missing and one of the farmers named Micca says that there is a dragon in the mountains and he has seen skeletons walking in the field. Jerra says that the gray knives went north and explored the forest but not much else. Jerra tells us that there is a large cave that is west of here about a mile in the forest. We learn that the town of Westbridge has a leader Nathaniel is the village leader. We learn that roughly 30 people have disappeared and the most recent was about 4 days ago. People would go missing without any sign of struggle. The last person was north of Micca's farm. We learned that the moon was full 8 or 9 days ago. The decision is to head out in the morning for the Micca farm to the west. Westbridge – west – Micca’s Farm – west – cavern Day 4: Evening Johnny (Phil-Rain) takes time to stalk the town and keep watch of things going into and out of the town. Johnny (Phil-Rain) does not see anything and actually gets lost in the town while watching. Day 5: Early morning We hit the road and head to Micca’s farm and then possibly the cavern. We approach the farmer and ask some questions. Ted (Kravnav) asks about his nocturnal visitors and then Kevin uses a pedafile voice. We introduce ourselves and tell him that we are investigating the missing merchants and caravans. Micca tells us that he has seen a skeleton walking through the field at dusk. The last time was two or three night ago. Micca tells us that he saw a dragon over the mountains to the west. He tells us that he spoke with the Gray Knives and he told them the same thing but they really did not know anything else. We can either go to Farmer Johnson to the north and the cavern is to the west. We decide to head north to Johnson's farm. When we get to farmer johnson we can see field hands and his crops are better. He said that he has a field hand that disappeared. He was on the job for a few months and left before getting paid. He was from Baldur's gate and was not really a farmer but needed the money. He left a few days worth of closets and left without getting paid. Farmer johnson did think it was odd that he left his stuff and no money but had other farms duties and did not follow up. Johnson has not noticed anything out of the ordinary. Farmer Johnson said that the missing person was Erik Farmer Johnson said that the cave is called the death cave and some of the villagers will dare each other to explore the lines. He did not see anything and we left Farmer Johnson and moved west toward the cavern. We make it to the caverns and stop while in sight of the cavern.


-- Bedazzled leather armor


“Actively Looking for Racism…”
“A Silver Piece is Still A Silver Piece…”